Mutual of Omaha

Mutual of Omaha Medicare Supplemental Insurance

Mutual of Omaha offers Medigap insurance plans that are designed to reduce co-pays, premiums and deductibles for services provided by Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B plans. Although different private insurance companies offer Medigap policies, all Medigap policies are standardized, so all Medigap Plan A policies offer the same coverage, regardless of which insurer provides them.

Federal rules require Medicare supplemental insurance providers to offer Medigap Plan A policies. Aside from this requirement, insurance companies are permitted to determine which other supplemental Medicare plans they offer.

In 2010, Mutual of Omaha offers five Medigap insurance plans. They are:

  • Plan A
  • Plan F
  • Plan G
  • Plan M
  • Plan N

The cost of these plans will vary, based on your age and the plan benefits you choose. The basic Part A plan provides hospitalization co-insurance and extended Part A benefits; Part B co-insurance that covers 20% of approved services; hospice care co-insurance or co-payment; and up to three pints of blood each calendar year. Other Medigap plans offered through Mutual of Omaha provide such benefits as Skilled Nursing Facility co-insurance, Part A deductible payments, Part B excess charge coverage, and coverage for foreign travel emergencies, depending upon which plan you use.

Medigap insurance plans cover only one individual. Each eligible Medicare beneficiary must have his or her own Medigap policy. For more information about Medigap insurance, please call (480) 706-1702.

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